Thursday, July 30, 2020

What is a wormhole. How does it work? How are they made.

What is a wormhole? How does it work? How are they made ??

In ancient times, when people looked at the sky at night, they saw flickering stars and everyone considered them to be the house of God. All these things continued like this for many centuries.  And then there was the rise of science which answered many of our complicated questions.

 But according to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, any object that has some mass cannot move at the speed of light because it would require infinite energy to do so.

In easy language, it is impossible to create such a vehicle whose speed is as much or more than that of light.

Now there must be a question in your mind that all of us will never reach those planets.

  If this happens, then why are scientists spending their precious time for a planet that cannot be reached at any time? If this happens, then why are scientists spending their valuable time for a planet that can never be reached?
But the reason is some mathematical equations.
Which gives rise to at least two such possibilities, from which we can reach before the light in remote areas of the world without breaking the rules of theory of relativity.

There are two possibilities for this
(1) warm hole
(2) verb drive
In today's blog, we will learn about warm hole.
We will create a Separate blog about what the verb drive is.

So let's talk about the warm hole
Nobody had chosen Newton's theory of gravity until the time of the 19 century.
According to Newton's theory, all the objects in this universe, we and you also pull each other due to some force.  Which we know by the name of gravitational force or gravity.

It happens that the larger the object, the greater its gravitational force. Because of this we live on the level of the earth and not float in the sky.

we all also know that there was a huge deficiency in Newton's law of gravity, which nobody had paid attention to before.

We all know that as Newton has told that everything in the universe draws each other towards himself.  But he did not say why and how this happens.

We all will be curious to know what is the force of gravity and how does it work ??
And even at that time, all these questions were in everyone's mind that how does it work and what is it.  Then Albert Einstein answered all these questions to everyone.

  In 1915 Einstein told everyone with his theory. The Theory of Relativity that gravity works because of the distortion in space time.

Now you must have a question in your mind that what is this space time ?? But we will tell about it in another blog.

Right now, you only set it so much that it is like a sheet in which both space and time are connected together.
Einstein said that every object in the universe rotates every object in space-time according to its size.
  If the size of an object is more, it will make the space time more varied.
To understand this, place a heavy and light circle on a sheet.  Both shells will radiate the sheet.

But you will get to know that the heavy ball here will distort the sheet more.  This will mean that both the spheres will start pulling in the sheet towards each other.
You will get to know that if the larger sphere makes the sheet more distorted then the smaller sphere will be pulled near it.

According to Einstein, this is called the force of gravity.  The concept of warm hole has also come from the distortions in space time.

Like Einstein and his partner Nathan Roshan believed that many times these distortions created many short cut paths in the universe.
  Which not only connects two remote areas of corruption, but also connects two different time periods.
If you guys have not understood all this, then let's take an example and understand it.

Suppose X and Y are two people whose distance is much more in space time. If we try to reach X to Y by conventional means, then it will take us millions of years !!
So right now a question is happening in your mind that whether we will ever reach X to Y easily or not?  So the answer is yes, we can definitely reach.
For this, we have to do one thing, if we bend the space time and use the short cut way, then it will take less than the speed of light to reach Y.
And this shortcut path is called warm hole.  But is it possible to use a warm hole, let's know?
According to Einstein's Mathematical Equation, warm holes must actually exist in this universe.
But we have not found any warm hole in the universe till date.
So far, our scientists have not been able to prove in a natural way that warm-ups occur in the universe.
  But Theory yesterday physicist John Wheeler believes that the warm holes in the universe form and destroy themselves like virtual particles.

But if you do not know about virtual particle then tell me that some such particles have been seen in the misconception that they arise on their own and after some time they get destroyed.

Where did they come from? And it is said that no one has known about them till date.
That's why scientists have named it a virtual particle.
According to Wheeler's theory, there are warm holes in the universe, but we cannot detect them because they are so small in height that we cannot even see them.

  Let us also assume for a moment that as soon as it comes into existence we can detect it but we have to increase its size in order to travel through them.

And to do this we will need Exotic Matter.  We all know that the law of matter in its universe is that its energy density and pressure are positive.

But talk about the Exotic Mater, it is completely different from the Normal Mater.  This is a mater that has an internal density and pressure negative.


 That is, it is possible for the combination of a material whose energy density is positive and pressure negative, or it may be that the pressure is negative and the energy density is positive.

But if we use the Exotic Mater in the Warm Hall, its negative property can increase its size by pushing the size of the worm hole outwards so that even a complete spacecraft can be used by humans.
But the problem here is that the existence of the Exotic Mater is still in theory.
  And the thing to be upset about is that we do not know exactly how it looks and said but find it ??
But in fiction, if we are there for a moment, let's say we have found a warm hole.  And it is quite small in size.
And suppose that we also get an Exotic Mater.  And we also stabilized​ the warm hole using it.  And we will increase its size to such an extent that we can also travel in it.

But the hole man believed that if anyone other than the exotic object entered the warm hole, the wormhole would be destroyed.

If we say in easy language, a person will die as soon as he goes into the warm hole.
Suppose if we somehow succeed in using the warm hole in future, then we will have to do a lot of hard work.
Because it is a matter of fact that a warm hole connects two points in space time.
That is, not only space but time also means that if we use it to try to reach the planet in any corner of the universe, then it is quite possible that we will reach there in some other time.
It could possibly be the future and also the past.  And at such times we may find it difficult to reach in our own time.  According to physicists who believe in the Parallel Universe theory.
Warm holes also connect different parallel universe.
And you can also think that what can happen in such a situation that we can get trapped in another parallel universe.
You all know that there is a physicist named Davis.  Who is trying to make the Exotic Mater in his lab present in Icarus interstellar.

They believe that we only need an exotic material to make a working warm hole.
 And after knowing all this you must have felt that that physicist is confident that it is absolutely possible to use the Warm Hall.

 But at the same time, they also say a reality that if we humans can reach any planet or star of the Earth by using the warm hole, then there is no reason why any other developed civilization of the universe has not already done so  Have done.
why we have not found any evidence yet
 Perhaps we will have to confuse corruption in the traditional way.
 On the other hand, we Michael kalu have said that whatever mathematically possible thing will be possible sometime in the future.

Right now what we feel is impossible, that thing may be possible at some time or the future.
And this is why we feel impossible because we do not have that much technology today.

Because when the people of the past have never thought that we will be able to fly in the sky, but today we are traveling from one country to another in the sky.
Rather we have reached from one planet to another.  But if we talk about the future, it will be decorated with technology at once.  There almost must have been the word Impossible.

Today we are talking about making time travel through a warm hole, but it seems simple to win.  So far, as much as we have understood it, one thing is certain from this that we can only travel in the future only through the warm hole.

But we still do not find it possible to travel in the past.
But at this time we must have a question in everyone's mind that we can do time travel through warm hole or not?

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Friday, July 10, 2020

The theory of relativity and what does E=Mc2 actually mean

The theory of relativity and what does E=Mc2 actually mean

Welcome friends, we all know that this world rests on some principles.Today we can see thousands of our friends who are away. We can talk to them. And within a few hours we can go from one country to another.If we want any information, then we can take ham immediately from mobile or computer.And by staying on the earth, we can easily learn about the other planets that are thousands of light years away from the earth.
We all know that before the start of the science era, if there was a big event on holiday or on earth, then everybody considered it as the wrath of God. Nobody wanted to know how all this happened.If a meteor had fallen on the earth before the beginning of the science era, everyone was angry at God before us and because of that, they had done all these things.But when the science era came into existence, then those questions came to be resolved. And everyone came out of such a dark life and started understanding science.

And all this has been successful due to the hard work of science and scientist. They have answered all our complicated questions.

Today we are going to talk about Einstein's very useful Theory of Relativity in this blog. If you are interested in a topic like Physics, then read it fully and share it to your friends.

             The Theory Of Relativity 

So let's talk about the theory of relativity.
We all know that the Theory of Relativity was discovered by the great scientist Sir Albert Einstein, that's why we also call the Theory of Relativity as Einstein Theory of Relativity.Einstein gave the Theory of Relativity twice.

Because when he gave the first theory, he was not completely satisfied with his first theory, which is why he later gave the second theory of relativity to the world.

Einstein has divided it into two parts. 

(1) Special Theory of Relativity
(2) General Theory of Rela

(1) special theory of relativity 

Einstein says that there are two types of frames of reference in this world.

(1) inercial frame of reference 
(2) non inercial reference 

[1] Inercial frame of reference means 

any object, or body, if it is traveling at the same fixed speed, under which circumstances it is a speed constant, then it is called inercial frame of reference. 

[2] None inercial frame of reference  means

None inercial frame of reference means that in which the speed of the car is not constant.

For example, any car on the way. 

When there is any obstacle in the way of the car, if the speed of the car has to be reduced and at the same time the speed of which body has to work or more. It is called none inercial frame of reference.

We all know that the Special Theory of Relativity is valid for inercial frame of reference. Now know that both speed and time are not absolute.


Learn about how it is relative.Suppose you are sitting in a car on the way from a speed of 60km / hr. And with you your friends are also sitting in the car with you. So according to you three people, your speed will be 0 (zero) according to each other.

But suppose a ladys is standing on the side of the road. According to that your speed will be 60km / hr. 

But now suppose if an car is coming towards you. And his speed is also 60km / hr.But because your speed is also 60km / hr, you will find the front car sitting in the car coming towards you at a speed of 120km / hr. 

So this shows that the speed is relative.Character changing only the speed difference is coming.

Now know that time how the relative is..

By the end of the century of 1800, the Michelson Morley Experiment had proved that the speed of light was fixed.It never changes under any circumstances. 

Photography by savan 
light of sun 

But it is also certain that light travels the fastest in the entire universe. No object can move faster than the speed of light.
But if this is true, then suppose a vehicle is moving faster than the speed of light at leisure. On that vehicle there is a light in front of it.So in this condition, if we calculate the speed of that vehicle by mixing the speed of this light, then it will be twice the speed of light.
So this equation is not broken, that's why time starts flowing slowly for the people sitting in that vehicle.

Earth photo click in the space

This means that Einstein had said that one year of that vehicle can be as many as thousands of years on Earth.

Now let's talk about Einstein second theory of relativity.And Einstein named this second theory the General Theory of Relativity.

(2) General Theory of Relativity.

Now let's talk about General Theory of Relativity. Einstein was not completely satisfied with his special theory of relativeness. That is why he discovered General Theory of Relativity.

Einstein wanted to know what is the effect of gravity on time.He had also proved under an experiment that gravity is only excelaration.

But Newton said that if anything comes towards the ground, then it goes down due to gravity. That is why Newton believed that the Earth's rotation is due to the gravity of the sun.
One gravitational body affects another gravitational body. And pulls it towards him. 

Einstein's General Theory of Relativity proved Newton wrong, saying that the Earth does not rotate due to gravity of the Sun.But due to the band of space time due to gravity, it is applied.And all the other planets revolve around the sun because of this.
Einstein first laid the foundation for space time theory under which he said that gravity affects time. Meaning for any object which has gravity, time will slow down, just time in space will go fast.
So gravity creates a kind of weight in space and that is why it rotates around any body of high weight.
 Greatest scientist in this world.

Everyone believe that light moves only in a straight direction  

But Einstein did the star's real position which was very different from before.And that is why we see stars in different positions than their real positions.You may also think that it was good that Einstein would not have told us that light is not just in a straight line but light is also twisted. If we had not told, we would have remained unaware of it for a long time.

After proving all this, he gave the world

the most powerful, most important equation E = Mc2.
In which E means energy, M means mass, and C means velocity.

The theory of relativity

So friends, this was the theory of relativity. I hope you have understood about this in a much better way. 
 Sir. Elbert  Einstein

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what will happen to it

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Einstein says.                                                       
               physics is not vocation 
                     But physics is everything. 

Thanks for reading 

Sunday, July 5, 2020

5 mysterious and terrifying prophecies of Stephen hawkings

                      Stephen Hawking's

 In the world of science, Stephen Hawking was a scientist who will not be forgotten at all.We all know that he has given us many achievements like Bigbang and Blackhole.

But we all know that he is also known for a very dangerous and scary prophecy. And today we will learn about such scary and dangerous prophecy which he told before he died.

The earliest prophecy was frightened by everyone when Stephen Hawkins said that the Earth would be finished in 600 years.

The reason for this was that he said that at that time the number of humans will increase so much that the temperature of the Earth will increase very much and we know that when the temperature increases, ordinary humans will not be able to bear it and this will lead to human life.

The second was predicted that robots will rule the world.

Stephen Hockings believed that robots would surpass humans in the future.

Stephen Hockings believed that in the future robots would go ahead of humans and they would one day rule.And we will all become slaves of robots one day. Stephen Hockings considered robots to be a great threat to human survival.


The third prophecy was that the Earth would end with nuclear war.

They used to say that there will be a terrible nuclear war on Earth. Due to which the earth will be destroyed.

Stephen Hockings said that nuclear weapons would be used to end the Earth.

As such we also know how dangerous nuclear weapons are. With this, any planet can be destroyed in a few minutes or hours.

And we all know that in 1945, how the US had thrown bombs on two big cities of Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki and how much death was also caused by them.


The fourth prediction is that we may have to go inside another 100 years to live on another planet.

Why did Stephen Hockings say that. Climate change, increasing human health and such dangerous acts are the end of the earth

And Stephen Hockings said after all that we would have to search for life on another planet as soon as possible or else the existence of human beings could be erased.


The fifth and most dangerous "prediction" is that there will be a lot of acid rain on the earth.

Stephen Hockings also said that our Earth will become like the planet Venus. And the temperature of our Earth will also be as much as the planet Venus.And after that there will be acid rain. As we all know that acid rain contains the amount of acid. That is why it is called acid rain. If there is a small amount of acid in these acid rain, then there is no danger.But due to high amount of acid, there can be great danger.

And Stephen Hockings also said that.

 This will increase the temperature of the Earth (250 ℃). Which no human will be able to tolerate. This can destroy the whole world.

And we all know that all these predictions are related to reality with yo.Friends, we all know that all the predictions that Stephen Hockings has made till date have come true or that all these prophecies may or may not come true !!

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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

what will happen ?? If Black Hole comes in place of Sun ??

what will happen ??  If Black Hole comes in place of Sun ??

 "Nearly 500cr years, the sun will almost exhaust its hydrogen fuel"


 Hello friends, today we are going to talk about space, black hole, sun.

 We all know that our Galaxy keeps changing over time, like when you look at the solar system, it was like this before or not and it will be so later, it will also change with time.  It will be that the sun will lose its mass of 40,00,000 lakh tons every second and by the time you are reading these blogs, the sun will become 2.4 billion tons lighter by that time !!  And about 500cr years from now, the sun will finish all its hydrogen fuel and many stars will be destroyed in the universe like this sun.
 And you all know that when all the stars are over, then all the stars will go into the black hole, you are thinking this right?  That all the stars will merge in the planet black hole
 But nothing like this will happen, you will get an answer by the end of this blog.  We all know that the entire galaxy is the lowest qualifying place for humans to live, but you will have a question that
 Can you imagine life around the black hole?


 We all know from childhood that nothing survives from the black hole, but it also swallows the rays of light and at the same time swallows all the things of the galaxy.  Can you imagine ??

 But this idea of ​​yours will also change after reading this blog, it will change till date what we have been taught and after reading this blog you will get to learn something new about blackhole.  From the beginning of 1980 till today, probably all physicists or scientists believe that every galaxy must have at least one super massive black hole and a disk of gas and dust in it.


 And this black hole removes a large amount of Radiation and around it becomes a huge gera which is also called dead zone but you do not understand the meaning of dead horizon. Event Horizon means  It is where Sima reaches the gravity of the Blackhole and Dead jone  means that the zone where the black hole radiation reaches

 Now you must also be thinking that life can be imagined in such a way around Blackhole ??

 But the black hole is the least adaptable place in the universe, but it is not at all

 A recent research has shown that life around the black hole can be predicted.

 There is a very big scientist from Howard  University, Manas v lingam who thinks that Black Hole should not only be negative, we can also take it positively. He has said in his research that in the 1980s, A Blackhole dead jone are considered as small.  Many super short black holes were estimated to have a hair spread of up to 3200 light-year. But it was found by research that these designs have spread only from 40 to 100 light-year.

 You must have felt like hearing dead jone name, it would have ended in it, but it is not like that at all.

 If there is a planate in this dead zone, then the environment will be safe and in such a way, life on that planet can be imagined. Manas v lingam says that Blackhole is not just made for swallowing the things of Galaxy but it is for life.  Will create many elements.  The radiation that reaches the Black Hole dead jones does not change the environment of the planet, but produces elements for life such as proteins, lipids, DNA, and it is all that is necessary for life and all things prove it  It happens that blackhole is not what we think but it creates many elements that make life.

 But there is a condition that all planate distances should be within the defined habitable zone.

 This will create a very good environment around the blackhole and life can start in it, and now we must be thinking that life will start around the blackhole

 What would be the atmosphere like?

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